이메일을 받고 답장을 쓸 때 서두는 어떻게 시작해야 할 지, 답장이 조금 늦었는데 무슨 말부터 써야할지
난감할 때가 있습니다. 그럴 때는 고민하지 마시고 다음 표현을 활용해보세요.
Function Linking Words
General Thanks for your email.
Thanks for your reply.
Thanks for your quick response.
It's good to hear from you.
I'm glad to hear from you.
Late Responses Due to Work I've been very busy for the last few days.  The project was supposed to finish [last week] but it took [an additional week].
Sorry I haven't responded. I've been swamped.
Sorry I have not been able to respond, I have been very busy on the current project.
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.  We had a big project due [yesterday].
Sorry I couldn't get to you sooner. I've been tied up with other work for the [last week].
Due to out of office I was traveling [last week] and my notebook crashed so I couldn't access my email.
I am on the road right now so I will download the file when I get back in the office.
Sorry that I haven't finished the report yet.  I just got back to the office after a vacation so I've been swamped with work.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I was out of the country for [two weeks].
Our company was closed last week.
Due to illness I had surgery [last week].
I had a bad cold and stayed home for [a week].
I've been sick since [Tuesday].

Function Linking Words
Additional In relations to
In addition
With reference to
Alternative Alternatively
Instead of
It’s likely
Contrast Although
Even if
On the other hand
Examples For example
For instance
General In general
On the whole
Importance Above all
In particular
Point Actually
As a matter of fact
In fact
Result As a result
Due to
For this reason
Lead to
Sequence First
Followed by
On another point
In addition
In conclusion

Simple & Clear Words & Expressions

이메일을 쓸 때는 화려한 수사를 구사하기 보다 정확한 의사전달이 되도록 쉽고 명확하게 쓰는 것이 좋습니다.   다음 어휘와 표현을 비교해 적절히 활용하시기 바랍니다.
Elaborate Korean Simple & Clear
concerning ~에관하여 about
permit ~하도록 만들다 let
feasible 가능한 possible
viable 가능한 possible
tender 거래 bid
reside 거주하다, 살다 live
consequently 결과적으로 as a result
effect 결과적으로 ~하게 만들다 make , do
admonish 경고하다, 꾸짖다 warn
administer 관리하다 manage
comprise 구성하다, 조직하다 make up of
constitute 구성하다, 조직하다 form
construct 구성하다, 조직하다 form
acquisition 구입하다 buy, purchase
purchase 구입하다 buy
conglomerate 그룹화하다 group
anticipate 기대하다 expect
immediately 당장 at once
approximately 대략 about
assist 돕다 help
comply 따르다 follow
encounter 만나다 meet
fabricate 만들다, 조성하다 make
numerous 많은 many
acknowledge 받다, 인식하다 received, recognize
forward 보내다 send
demonstrate 보여주다 show
exhibit show
illustrate show
indicate show
contain 보유하다 have
allocate 분배하다 set aside
ambiguous 불확실한 unclear
duplicate 사본 copy
employ 사용하다 use
conceptualize 생각하다 think of
reflect 생각하다 think 
generate 생산하다 produce
impair 손상된, 불량의 damage
rectify 수정하다, 고치다 correct
execute 수행하다 carry out, do
fulfill 수행하다 carry out
implement 수행하다 carry out
perform 수행하다 do, carry through
conceal 숨기다 hide
endorse 승인하다, 지지하다 support
attempt 시도하다 try
endeavor 시도하다, 노력하다 try
commence 시작하다 start, begin
initiate 시작하다 start, begin
concept 아이디어, 개념 idea
aware 알다 know
advise 알리다 tell, inform
obtain 얻다, 획득하다 get
per se 예를들어 as such
forecast 예측하다 predict
accomplish 완수하다 complete
finalize 완수하다 complete
inquire 요청하다 ask
facilitate 용이하게하다 ease
operate 운영하다 run
desire 원하다 want
previously 이전의 before
prior 이전의 before
observe 인식하다 notice
sufficient 적합한 fit
eliminate 제거하다 remove
accommodate 제공하다 provide
furnish 제공하다 provide
render 제출하다, 보내다 submit
submit 제출하다, 보내다 send
terminate 종료하다, 끝내다 end, finish
cease 중단하다 stop
instantaneously 즉시, 지금 now, quick
appoint 지정하다 name
designate 지정하다 name
remuneration 지출 payment
proceed 진행하다 go on, continue
discrepancy 차이 difference
locate 찾다 find
seek 찾다, 구하다 look for
solicit 찾다, 구하다 seek, ask for
optimum 최상의 best
depart 출발하다 go
integrate 통합하다 combine
ascertain 파악하다 find out
disseminate 퍼뜨리다, 배포하다 circulate
essential 필수적인 must
require 필요하다 need
presently 현재, 지금 now
collaborate 협력하다 work together
procure 확보하다 get
validate 확인하다 confirm
utilize 활용하다 use

오전 in the morning
[4월20일] 오후 In the afternoon of [April 10th]
오후 일찍 in the early afternoon
오후 늦게 late afternoon
근무 시간 business hours
operating hours
office hours
work hours
~일 현재
as of [April 10th]
as of today
as of now
[4월20일] 이전 before [April 10th]
[4월20일] 이후 after [April 10th]
[4월20일] 소인 post mark by [April 10th]
양일중으로 within a couple of days
미국 동부 표준시간 EST / Eastern Standard Time
미국 중서부 표준시간 CST / Central Standard Time
미국 산악부 표준시간 MST / Mountain Standard Time
미국 태평양부 표준시간 PST / Pacific Standard Time
그리니치 표준시 GMT / Greenwich Standard Time
현지 시간 local time
이곳 시간으로 오후 2시 at 2p.m., our time
그곳 시간으로 오후 2시 at 2p.m., your time
이번 주말 the end of this week
다음주 초 the beginning of next week
the beginning of the following week
[4월20일]의 주 the week of [April 10th]
[4월] 상순에 in early [April]
[4월] 중순에

in mid [April]
the middle of [April]

[4월] 하순에 in late [April]
[4월] 내내 the entire month of [April]
과거 수개월 the past several months
the last few months
[2010]년 내내 throughout [2010]
회계년도 fiscal year
상반기 회계년도 the first half of the fiscal year
하반기 회계년도 the second half of the fiscal year
제 1/2/3/4 사분기 the first/second/third/fourth quarter
수십년에 걸쳐 over the last dozen years
[11월]까지 by the end of [November]
다음 [금요일]까지 until next [Friday]
~개 당 per piece(item)
~명 당 per head (person)
[2백 달러]이하 [$200] or less
[40 센티미터]이하 not greater than [40cm]
~미만 less than
[18세] 이하 [18] and under (age)
[1만] 이상  [10,000] or more
more than [10,000]
over [10,000]
[24]시간 이내 within [24] hours
근무일 기준 [이틀] 이내 within [two] business days
[$22]까지 오르다 increase to [$22]
가격이 [5%] 증가하다 increase the price by 5%
[$100] 할인 [$100] off
[15%] 할인 a [15%] discount

이메일은 보내는 목적에 따라 , 또는 받는 사람에 따라 형태가 달라집니다 . 존댓말이 따로 있는 한국어와 달리 , 영어는 may, could, would 와 같이 조동사를 활용하거나 , want to~ 대신 would like to~ 와 같이 별도의 표현을 써서 formal/informal 을 구분합니다 .

전혀 모르는 상대에게 메일을 보낼 때 , 공손한 메일을 보내야 할 때 , 격식을 갖추어 써야 하는데 어떤 표현을 써야 할 지 난감할 때 다음 표현들을 참고하여 멋진 이메일을 작성해보세요 .
Function Formal Informal
Salutation To Whom This May Concern, Dear [Tom],
Dear [Mr. Green], Hi [Tom],
Previous Contact With regards to your last mail,… Regarding your last mail,…
Thanks for your last email of... Thanks for your email of...
Further to your last email, In regards to your last email,
I apologize for not writing to you sooner. Sorry I haven't written for so long.
Reason for writing I'm writing in regards to, I'm writing to,
I'm writing in connection with… Just a quick note about,
We would like to point out that… Please note…
Your name was given to me by… I got your name from…
The purpose of this email is to confirm with you… This is to confirm,
Asking for advice I'd like your advice about a problem I have. I've got a bit of a problem.
I was wondering if you had any ideas about…? Do you have any ideas about …?
Giving advice I think it might be a good idea to… I think you should…
Have you thought of … What about…
Giving information I'm writing to let you know… I'm writing about…
We are able to confirm that… Just to update you on
Response to inquiry I wish to take this opportunity This is to inform you
We regret to inform you that… Unfortunately …
Attachment We're working on your request. Your request is being processed.
Please find attached my report. I've attached the report.
Requests I've attached the file you requested. Here's the file you wanted.
I'm interested in receiving information on… Please send me…
We would be grateful if… I'd be thankful if…
I am interested in finding more on… I'd like more information on,..
I'd appreciate a prompt response. Please answer ASAP.
Would you be able to assist me on… Could you help?
Promise I'd be grateful if you could Can you please help me?
I will investigate the matter. I'll look into it.
Offer help I will contact you as soon as I find out. I'll get back to you.
Let me know whether you would like me to… Let me know if you'd like me to …
Thanking If you wish, I would be happy to… Would you like me to …?
I wish to thank you for… Thank you for…
Apology Thank you for advance for your help in this matter. I appreciate your help.
I apologize for my delayed response. Sorry this is so late.
We regret to advise you of… I'm sorry to tell you…
My sincere apology I apologize
We apologize for any inconvenience caused We apologize if there was any inconvenience
Reminder Please accept our apologies I'm afraid I can't help you.
We not that you have not You haven't
Additional We would like to remind you that… Don't forget that…
In addition, Also,
However, But,
Therefore, So,
Suggestion In my opinion, I think it would be better to I think we should
It is my suggestion that we How about if we
Shall we …? We should
Accepting suggestion Perhaps we could We could
I think your idea would work well It's a great idea!
Denying suggestion It may be worth trying. Let's try it out.
It sounds like a good idea, but I can see some problems with it. I think there will be some problems with it.
Complaint I'm writing to notify you of a complaint I'm writing to complain about
We were disappointed We're not happy with it
I'm afraid that Unfortunately
Final comment Do not hesitate to contact us again if you require further information. Let me know if you need anything.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Give me a call if you need anything else.
Closing I am looking forward to it. Looking forward to…
Give my regards to… Best wishes to…
Sincerely yours, Sincerely,
Respectively, Thanks,
Promising assurance Please let us know your requirements. Let us know your needs.
I can assure you that… I promise to…

이메일을 쓸 때 반드시 지켜야 할 3C's 는 다음과 같습니다.


즉 , 이메일의 목적에 충실하게 쓰되 , 정확하고 분명한 표현을 써야 합니다 .
다음 예문을 참고하여 이메일 작성시 적절히 활용하시기 바랍니다 .

쓰기 전략 Don'ts Do's
- 길고 장황하게 쓴다
- 수동형 문장을 쓴다
- 명령조의 표현을 쓴다
- 명확하고 간략하게 쓴다
- 능동형 문장을 쓴다
- 예의바른 표현을 쓴다
의 미 Don'ts Do's
[1월]까지 By [January] ending by the end of [January]
[1월]이 시작되면 In [January] beginning the beginning of [January]
[날짜:5월5일]에 letter date [May 5] letter dated on [May 5]
~귀하, ~께 Dear Mr. Tom Green, Dear Mr./Ms. Green,
Dear Mr. Tom Green, Dear Mr./Ms. Green,(Formal)
Dear Tom Green, Dear Tom, (Informal)
~을 다시 알려드립니다 I would like to call your attention to the fact that May I remind you (that)…
~을 다시 알려드립니다 I inform you again that May I remind you that…
~을 보내드립니다 We take pleasure in sending… We are sending…
~을 알려드리고자 합니다 I will notice you I will let you know
Please know This is to inform you (that)…
I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to write to you.
It is my pleasure to inform you…
~을 완성해주십시오 You must complete Please complete this…
~을 요청합니다 I ask you… I would like to ask you to…
~을 해주십시오 We want you to… You are encouraged to….
~하기 위해 협조해주십시오 You should cooperate with us… Let's work together to solve…
~해주시면 좋겠습니다 We like if you… We would like it if you could…
~해주십시오 Please do it… Please…
30일까지 Until the 30day by the 30th
공정 중 오작동이 발생했습니다 The machine broke in middle process. The malfunction occurred during the process.
귀하가 틀렸습니다 You are wrong We understand that…, but…
귀하의 메일에 의하면 As per your mail According to your mail
귀하의 메일을 받았습니다 I received your mail Thank you for your mail
그것에 대해 논의하고자 I will discuss about it I will discuss it
그에게 지금 전화해주십시오 You'd better call him You should call him now
내일 모레 tomorrow after tomorrow the day after tomorrow
내일 오전/오후 ~시경 tomorrow about [4:30] tomorrow at around [4:30]PM
년/월/일 15-Jan-08 January 15, 2008
다음과 같이 followings: as follows:
다음과 같이 첨부해 Attach herewith Attached are the specifications
다음과/아래와 같이 below: as below:
더 좋은 서비스를 받기 위해 이 양식을 작성해주십시오. You must fill this form out for membership. So your needs can be better served, please fill out this form.
도움에 감사 드립니다 We very thank for your help Thank you for your help
도움을 드리고자 help of you your help
되도록 곧 as possible as I can as soon as possible
메일 잘 받았습니다 We well received your mail Thank you for your mail
보상해드리고자 합니다 I'd like to pay back some amount money. I'd like to compensate you.
비용을 절감하여 cost down cut costs, lower costs
상황이 복잡해졌습니다 It got twisted up. It got mixed up.
서명하다 sign on the document sign the document
시장조사에서 실수가 발견되었습니다 You made many mistakes in your market survey. Several errors have been made in the market survey.
실수에 대해 메일을 보냅니다 I'm writing for mistake. I'm writing to file a complaint.
실수에 대해 사과 드립니다 I'm so sorry for mistake. I apologize for the errors.
양사에 좋은 경험이 될 겁니다 This will be good experience both companies. I hope this will be a valuable experience for the both of us.
어제 전화 주셔서 감사합니다 It was my pleasure that we can have phone call yesterday. Thank you for calling yesterday.
오늘까지 within today by today
오전에/오후에 in AM/ in PM In the morning/ in the afternoon
오후 ~시 / 오전 ~시 pm2 / am7 2PM / 7AM

이름: 이삼순

Lee Sam Soon

Lee, Sam Soon (list of names)

이름: 이삼순

Sam Soon, Lee Sam Soon Lee (most common)

이름: 이삼순


Samsoon Lee

일이 좀 있었습니다 There was some happening There were some incidents
장기적으로 long term base on a long term basis

저희 삼순은

We, Samsoon Samsoon is
저희 회사를 소개하게 되어 기쁩니다 I am pleased to introduce my company to you. Please let me introduce my company to you.
저희 회사의 경우 In the case of our company Our company
저희가 이해하기에 Your claim is Our understanding is…
저희가 이해하기에 귀하의 불만은 You claim that… Our understanding is that…
제가 아는 바로는 as long as I know as far as I know
조만간 at near future in the near future
죄송하지만 ~% 이상은 할인해드릴 수 없습니다. We're sorry, no more than 5% discount allowed.
We cannot give you more than 5% discount.
You can receive up to 5% discount
죄송하지만 저희는 ~을 할 수 없습니다 Sorry because not possible We are sorry but we cannot do that.
지금까지 so far to date
지속적으로 everlasting long term
직원들 staffs staff members
첨부한 내용은 Find attached Attached is
최우선의 top urgent top priority, very urgent
큰성공을 거두시길 바랍니다 I hope you will get big success I hope you will achieve great success
팩스 잘 받았습니다 We acknowledge receipt of fax Thank you for your fax
We well received your fax We received your fax
함께 모였으면합니다 Let's work together I'd like a chance to work together
향상시키다 level up upgrade, improve
오늘 약속이 있습니다 I have promise tonight I have plans tonight
오늘 무슨 계획이 있습니까? What is your schedule today? What are your plans tonight?

이 회사에 대해 그가 한 엄청난 기여는 오랫동안 기억될 겁니다.

He will long be remembered for his distinguished contributions to this company.


그 소식을 듣게 되어 유감입니다.
I am sorry to hear that.


귀하의 명예퇴직 소식을 듣게되어 유감입니다.
I am sorry to hear the news of your early retirement.


[ABC사]의 지역담당자인 [대니얼 리]께서 어젯밤 심장마비로 돌아가셨음을 알려드리게 되어 슬픕니다. 장례식 일정은 다시 공지하겠습니다.
I am very sorry to report that [Daniel Lee], the regional manager of ABC Corp. suddenly passed away due to a stroke last night. Funeral details will be given later.


자동차 사고를 당하셨다는 소식을 들었습니다. 빠른 쾌유를 기원합니다.
I heard that you were hurt in a car accident. I hope you get better soon.


힘든 시기를 보내셨다고 들었습니다.
I heard you are going through a tough time.


진심어린 위로를 보냅니다.
I offer you my sincere condolences.

우리는 몇가지 어려움에 부딪쳤지만 계속 열심히 일해야 합니다.

Although we've hit a few road blocks, we must continue working hard.


걱정 마십시오. 그들에게 칭찬만 들었습니다.
Don't worry, I heard nothing but praise from them.


저희의 연구조사가 헛되지 않으리라고 저는 확신합니다.
I am certain that our research will not be wasted.


우리가 정말 열심히 일한다면 마감 일정을 맞출 수 있으리라고 확신합니다.
I am convinced that we can meet our deadline if we work hard enough.


이 프로젝트는 성공적으로 끝날 것 같습니다.
I feel that this project will finish successfully.


저는 귀사가 심각한 네트워크 문제를 겪고 있음을 듣고 잘 해결되기를 기원하고 있음을 말씀드리고자 합니다.
I heard about the big network trouble and wanted to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.


저희 팀은 모두 적임자들로 구성되었으므로 성공할 것이라고 생각합니다.
I think our team comprised of all the right people, we'll be successful.

제가 지난 주 요청했던 패키지를 [오늘] 받았습니다. 바로 조치를 해주셔서 감사합니다.

[Today], I received the package that I requested from you [last week]. Thank you for taking care of it right away.


저희를 귀사의 비즈니스 파트너로 선정해주셔서 감사합니다.
I am glad that you chose us as your business partner.


오늘 만나뵙게 되어 감사했습니다. 향후 좋은 업무관계를 갖게되기를 고대합니다.
I am grateful to have met with you today and look forward to a good working relationship with you.


귀하의 환대에 깊이 감사드립니다.
I am most grateful to you for your warm hospitality.


저희 부서를 대신하여 이 증서를 받게 되어 기쁩니다.
I am pleased to accept this certificate on behalf of my division.


귀하의 따뜻한 말씀에 깊이 감사드립니다.
I am so grateful for your kind words.


시간을 내어 저희와 함께 해주신데 대해 깊이 감사드립니다.
I appreciate your taking the time to be here with us.

저희 모두 승진을 축하드립니다.

All of us would like to congratulate you on your promotion.


신규 지사 오픈을 축하합니다.
Congratulations on the new branch opening.


승진을 축하합니다. 좋은 결과가 있을 줄 알았습니다.
Congratulations on the promotion. You deserve it!


결혼을 축하드리며 즐거운 신혼여행이 되시길 기원합니다.
Congratulations on the wedding and I hope you have a great time on your honeymoon.


신규 사업을 축하드립니다.
Congratulations on your new business.


득남을 축하합니다.
Congratulations to you on your new birth of your son.


진심으로 축하드리며 장래에도 하시는 일에 대해 건승하시기를 기원합니다.
I extend my heartiest congratulations and wish you continued success in your future career.

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