이메일을 받고 답장을 쓸 때 서두는 어떻게 시작해야 할 지, 답장이 조금 늦었는데 무슨 말부터 써야할지
난감할 때가 있습니다. 그럴 때는 고민하지 마시고 다음 표현을 활용해보세요.
Function Linking Words
General Thanks for your email.
Thanks for your reply.
Thanks for your quick response.
It's good to hear from you.
I'm glad to hear from you.
Late Responses Due to Work I've been very busy for the last few days.  The project was supposed to finish [last week] but it took [an additional week].
Sorry I haven't responded. I've been swamped.
Sorry I have not been able to respond, I have been very busy on the current project.
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.  We had a big project due [yesterday].
Sorry I couldn't get to you sooner. I've been tied up with other work for the [last week].
Due to out of office I was traveling [last week] and my notebook crashed so I couldn't access my email.
I am on the road right now so I will download the file when I get back in the office.
Sorry that I haven't finished the report yet.  I just got back to the office after a vacation so I've been swamped with work.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I was out of the country for [two weeks].
Our company was closed last week.
Due to illness I had surgery [last week].
I had a bad cold and stayed home for [a week].
I've been sick since [Tuesday].

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