The Philosophy of Collaborative Tag Suggestion

Selecting good tags

High popularity à tag quality

High coverage of multiple facets à good recall

Least effort à reduce the cost involved in browsing

Eliminating tag spam

Utilizing collective user tagging behavior and authorities 

Collaborative Tag Suggestion Algorithm

S(t’,o) = S(t’,o) + Ps(t’|ti;o) x S(ti,o) – Pa(t’|ti) x S(ti,o)

Ps(t’|ti;o) : correlation probability between t’ and ti for the object o

Pa(t’|ti) : overlap probability in terms of the concepts between t’ and ti

S(t’,o) : goodness measure (score) of the tag t’ to an object o

a(u) : authority score of a given user u

Experiments based on Yahoo My Web 2.0 tag data

Suggested Tags for the


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