1. Subject

용건을 한눈에 알 수 있도록 짧고 명료하게 쓴다.


Subject: October Meeting

2. Greeting

[Dear+수신자 성]이 기본이나 informal mail에서는 이름만 
쓰기도 한다.


Dear [Mr. Green],

3. Body

최대한 간결하고 명확하게 쓴다.

보내는 목적

상대에게 요구하는 조치

구체적 일정

첨부 언급


We would like to schedule a visit to your site to further discuss the supply of our product. Our preference is the [2nd week of October].  How are those dates for you? 

It would be helpful if you could send me a list of hotels near your facility and information on how to reserve a car. 

Thank you in advance for the information.

4. Close

Formal/Informal 상황에 따라 구분하지만 통상 Sincerely, Thanks, Best regards 등을 



5. Signature

이름>직함>부서>회사 순서로 


[Daniel Lee]
[ABC Company]


1. Subject


메일의 내용이나 용건을 한 눈에 알 수 있도록 간결하고 분명하게 쓴다

답신의 경우, reply respond를 나타내는 Re:를 제목 앞에 붙여도 좋다.

요청을 하는 경우 request를 나타내는 Re:를 제목 앞에 붙여도 좋다.


Request for Information 
Request for Confirmation 
Inquiry of product 
Invoice #1234 
New Price 
Today's Meeting 
11/13 Meeting 
Meeting Summary 
Your Request 
Opinion Wanted 


2. Greeting

처음 대하는 상대에게 메일을 쓸 때는 되도록 예의를 갖추어 써야 한다.

남성을 지칭할 때 통상 Mr.를 쓰며, 여성의 경우 기혼/미혼 여부를 지칭하는 자체가 실례가 될 수 있으므로 Miss는 쓰지 않고 Ms.를 쓴다.

Mr. /Ms.
뒤에는 이름이 아닌 성()만 쓴다.

서로 잘 아는 상대라서 메일이 자주 오가는 경우 informal greeting도 괜찮다.




Dear [Mr. Green], 
Dear [Ms. Brown] 
Dear Colleagues, 
To Whom It May Concern, 
[Mr. Green], 

Hello [Tom], 
Hi [Tom], 
Hey [Tom], 


3. Body   

이메일을 시작할 때 쓰기 좋은 문장들 


It was nice to receive your mail this morning! 
Thank you for your mail on [date] of [topic]. 
Thank you for getting it to me so promptly. 
It ' s helpful to have the information that you sent last week. 
I have a couple of comments on the proposal that you sent. 
We are interested in … and we would like to know … .

I ' m writing 
We are writing 
This is

to inquire about… 
to follow up on our telephone conversation earlier this week. 
to apologize for… 
to confirm… in connection with


With reference to

your advertisement in [Newsweek], 
your letter of [August 18], 
your phone call [yesterday],


Thank you for

asking if … 
inquiring about … 
attaching … 
concerning …



Hi [name]. 

How are you? 
How's everything? 
How's everything with you? 
How's your project coming along? 
How is everyone at the [ Texas ] office? 
How have you been? 
How did the lab test come out? 
How did the presentation go last week? 
Hope everything is fine with you. 
Hope everything is going well. 
Hope everything is going well in [ Austin ]. 
Hope you had a nice weekend. 
Hope you had a wonderful holiday. 
It was a pleasure to meet you at/in [place]. 
It was good to see you once again at/in [place]. 
I am sorry that I missed you when you visited my office. 
It was a pity that we did not have more time to talk at/on [place/topic]. 

Did you have a good weekend? 
Did you have a nice vacation?

이메일을 마무리   쓰기 좋은 문장들 


I hope to hear from you soon. 
I hope that this information helps you. 
I hope this information helps. 
I think there is an opportunity for both of our companies. 
I will see you at the next conference.

If ever you are in [ Seoul ], please give me a call or come by. 
If you're in [ Seoul ], please let me know. 
If you have any question, let me know.
If I can be of further help, please let me know.

Please give my regards to [person]. 
Please pass on my best wishes to [person].


Please contact us if
Please feel free to contact me if
Please let me know if

we can help in any way.
there are any problems.
you have any problems.
you need any further information.


I/We look forward to 
I am/We are looking forward to

our meeting.
a mutually beneficial business relationship. 
your early reply. 
receiving your reply/order/products soon. 
working with you on this project.
hearing from you soon 
meeting you next time. 
seeing you at [time]. 
building a mutually beneficial relationship with you.


Thank you again for your insights on this question. 
Thank you for your help.

With these many benefits to your company, a Samsung [product] may be the best thing you could do to promote efficiency.
After we review it, we'll get back to you.



See you soon. 
Talk to you later. 
I ' ll give you a call later. 
Call me when you get the chance. 
I ' ll see you at the next meeting. 
Let ' s talk about it at the meeting. 
Let me know when you ' ve decided.

첨부가 있음을 언급할 때 쓰기 좋은 문장들

Please find attached… 
I am attaching… 
I have attached… 
Please refer to the attached file. 
The information attached will help you make the most of our services 
Attached, is 

4. Close

대체로 미국식은 Sincerely yours, 유럽식은 Yours sincerely,의 형태로 쓴다

는 공식, 비공식, 개인 메일 모두 써도 무리가 없다.


Very Formal



- Sincerely yours,
- Faithfully yours,
- Cordially,
- Respectively,
- Very truly yours,
- With condolences,

- Sincerely,
- Best regards,
- Thanks,
- See you soon,
- Speak to you soon,

- Sincerely,
- Best wishes,
- Cheers,
- Yours,
- Warm wishes, 
- With sympathy,



5. Signature

통상 [이름 성]의 순서로 많이 쓰나, 한국식으로 성()을 먼저 쓰려면 [, 이름]으로 표시한다.

이삼성 의 예




Lee Sam Sung 
Lee. Samsung 
Sam Sung, Lee

Sam Sung Lee (most common) 
Samsung Lee 
Sam-sung Lee 

Lee, Sam Sung (for list only) 
Lee, Samsung 
Lee, Sam-sung


이름 > 직급 > 부서 > 회사 순서로 쓰되, 줄바꿈할 때 쉼표나 마침표는 찍지 않는다 
Sam Sung Lee
Sales Department
Samsung ________ 


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